
Subscribe to the ZVA Newsletter!

29-3 June 2024

Banat Tour September 2024

Stasa Cvetkovic is running a Banat tour this September following a similar format to the ones I ran several years ago. It will begin in Frankfurt with travel by bus through Alsace-Lorraine, the Haus of the Donauschwaben in Sindelfingen, the ancestral departure point on the Danube at Ulm, Schildgebirge, Budapest, and on to the Serbian and Romanian Banat, returning from Vienna. Stops in the Banat and Batschka will be as requested by tour members. Contact Stasa at

Here is Stasa’s message:

Dear friends and fellow researchers,

Prepare yourself for an exciting journey through the ancestral lands! This September 2024, we’re setting off on a new Banat Tour after six years!

Join us for 18 days of camaraderie, learning, and sightseeing, starting in Frankfurt and traveling through Lorraine, the Palatinate, Sindelfingen, Ulm, Schildgebirge, Budapest, and on to the Serbian and Romanian Banat, Bačka, and back via Vienna (tentative itinerary).

We’ll travel in a brand-new luxury Mercedes minibus with space for just 18 travelers. We’ll include every place you wish to visit in our itinerary.

Interested? Get in touch at

Sustaining Donations

From its founding in 1996 until 2023, ZVA encouraged voluntary membership dues to support it financially. This entailed the collection of personal information of contributors. However, the increasing complexity, expense, and liability imposed by privacy laws has created a burden that is too great for such a small organization to bear.

Beginning in 2023 ZVA will no longer collect membership dues or the personal information of members. We hope, however, that you will contribute financially to the maintenance of this site through anonymous donations. We encourage you to pay an annual $10 to help operate the association. The operating funds support our Internet web site and other projects to discover and preserve our heritage.

In addition, we request a one-time contribution of $25 from first-time users to support our library fund. We, in turn, contribute your donation to a dedicated fund at the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society (SGS) which purchases items we specify. Canadians will receive a tax receipt from the SGS for their charitable contributions.

Once you have completed your selections, note the total and click Submit to send your order details. Clicking on Submit no longer takes you directly to PayPal. To make payment, go to and send payment to (Our PayPal account is US dollars only.) You do not need a PayPal account of your own. You may use your credit card on our account. Alternatively, you may make cheques payable to: Zichydorf Village Association, 2114 E Laurier Cres., Regina, SK, Canada, S4V 0P6.

Thanks for your support.