
Subscribe to the ZVA Newsletter!

11-2 September 2006

You may remember from the April newsletter that the person who was supposed to organize our tour left us in the lurch and I was scrambling to put something together. Well the scrambling was successful and thirteen of us made the journey in May and June. We had a wonderful time and met most of our goals. Everyone was at least somewhat satisfied and most were ecstatic. It went so well that I am considering doing it again in 2008 incorporating some of the things we learned from this trip. If you want to be included on a separate mailing list for a future trip, please let me know. If you didn=t follow our adventures on my blog, you can still check it out at We were most pleased to meet with some of our European contacts, including Georg Kurzhals, Peter Noll, and Helmut Kaiser. Although we were unable to meet szló Rudolf, we did hook up with his associate, Beth Long. We also met with Monsignor Lajos Eros, the priest who is the custodian of several of the church books. He was very excited that we came all the way from North America to see his parish and he took us for a tour of several villages and churches. All in all, it was a great experience.
szló has recovered well enough from his stroke to work again. He was able to obtain some pages that were missing from the church book CDs that we distributed. If you have not already downloaded them, you can find them at . He has found new material for other villages in the Novi Sad archives and has all records from the village of Gross Gaj, near Zichydorf. He is eager to help anyone who needs research in the region. It has been a while since we did a group research project. Perhaps, it there is sufficient interest, we can arrange another one at a reduced rate. Let me know if would like to participate.
Our first web page was hosted by FEEFHS (Federation of East European Family History Societies) until the webmaster left and set up an alternate site in 2001. However, the webmaster has been unresponsive for at least the last two years. As a result, both sites are badly out of date. Steve Herold at has offered to help us get up and running again. I hope to have a new site available this fall.
Following a successful AGerman Days@ weekend in Saskatoon last year, the German-Canadian Society AHarmonie@ is holding one in Regina this year. Opening ceremonies in front of Regina City Hall from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 9, include a raising of the German flag. There is a Volunteer Award Banquet in the evening (contact me for details if interested). On Sunday, September 10, the Saskatchewan German Council will hold its AGM from 10 a.m. until noon at the Harmonie Club, followed by an open house from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. with entertainment from a chamber orchestra, German dancers, and the German choir.
All volumes of Stader’s Sammelwerk which were out of print have now been reprinted and are available from the AKdFF.  It is expected that the next issue of the series, starting with Sch will be available in 2007, a delay from the previous estimate of 2006.

I know that it is already 2006, but this project will get done eventually. Please continue your work of writing your family=s story and contact Glenn as soon as possible to coordinate your efforts. Submit your ideas for a book title and win a FREE BOOK! Please submit your old family traditional recipes to Tim Novak, 2903 Quinn Drive, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, S4P 2W2, Phone: 306-522-2558, E-mail:


For anyone new to our group or who has somehow missed hearing about it, we have the Zichydorf church books from 1787 to the 1950s on 3CDs for $30 per set. Order from the address at the end of this letter. I have also obtained the records for the town of Kudritz, about 20 miles east of Zichydorf. If anyone else has an interest in this town and would like to share the costs please contact me. I am compiling a list of errors and omissions on the CDs that I will post on the web. Please report any anomalies that you discover to me so that I may include them.


Paid for 2006: J. Haehn, D. Giroux, D. Connelly, P. Allen, J. McNeil, M. Dormuth, D. O=Shaughnessy, J. Mayer, E. Hugel, S. Weishuhn, J. Molter, M. O=Brien, B. Fritz, J. Schwarz, B. Harle, G. Schwartz, T. Dash, J. Devine, L. Loos, B. Anwender, A. Ritter, D. Fleury, M. Kainer, J. Lang, J. Novak, J. Stoeber, J. Hayhurst, S. Herold, B. Daniels, E. Baldwin, E. Little, R. Borschowa, J. Lang.


Please add the following to the list:

Laferton, Franz, Email:, Searching: Laferton

Please note the following updates and corrections:

Keller,  Justin, PO Box 723, St. Walburg, SK, S0M 2T0 Phone: 306-248-3171, Email:

Griffin, Jim, email:

McNeil, Jan, email:

Andrews, Lynne, 59 Pineland Close NE, Calgary, AB, T1Y 3H2, Phone: 403-283-5121, Email


Regina Branch will meet at 2 p.m. on Sunday, October 1, at Access Communications (Cable Regina), 2250 Park St. (north door by the ball diamonds).  Mark your calendar and bring some Zichydorf friends.

Zichydorf Village Association News 

edited by: Glenn Schwartz

2274 Baldwin Bay, Regina, SK, S4V 1H2

