Title: Verlorene Heimat Georghausen
Author: Josef Wüst
Year: 1991
Media Type: Book
Lending Status: Borrow
How Acquired: ZVA purchase for SGS
Review/Description: Verlorene Heimat Georghausen by Josef Wüst is very similar to the Achtzener Zichydorf book with which most of us are familiar. Georghausen (also known as Velika Greda and Györgyhaza [often pronounced Yurichhaas]) is just a few kilometres from Zichydorf and was founded predominantly by Zichydorfers in 1849. The book contains a history of the village, including a brief history of Zichydorf and a description of the disaster of Word War II. There are also sections on customs, residents listed by house number, a map, pictures, and even recipes. If you haven’t already guessed, this book is in German.