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Boglar Foreword



This is a slightly edited Google translation of the preface to the book:




Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde


Boglar = Vértesboglár


im Schildgebirge in Ungarn


1761 – 1821/31



Stefan Stader



Recently, Family Research of the Danube Swabians has become increasingly important. For years people were too busy to understand the genealogical data of entire villages and publish it in books.

In talking to our members during our meetings, I found a growing interest in the migration of the colonists of the Schildgebirge (Shield Mountains).

We are aware that many settlers stayed only temporarily in the Schildgebirge and then moved on to the Banat or Batschka. Not infrequently, however, the immigrants remained in the Schildgebirge until his death. Of the great crowd of his children, only one remained in the colonist’s house, while the rest wandered on.

To bring more light into this interesting chapter of Danube Swabian settlement history, I decided to create another family book from the Schildgebirge. The following were already released by the AkdFF (Working Group Danube Swabian family researchers): Atschau (= Vértesacsa) Környe (= Kirn, Kierner, Kirnau) Kecskéd (= Ketschke, Kernegg), Lauschbrünn (= Lovasberény), Saar (= Szár) and Kosmau, Kozma (= Vérteskozma).

In the present work, the records available to me, the church records of the parish Boglar = Vertesboglar evaluated in the Schildgebirge and sorted as far as possible to families: births and baptisms 1761-1821, marriages 1761-1831, and mortality data 1761-1821.

At that time the village of Bodmer was co-supervised by the Boglar parish. Unless otherwise indicated, the registrations refer to Boglar.

After evaluation of a manuscript of the Zichydorfer family book by Peter Noll, I have noticed that a surprising number of original Boglár settlers had moved on to Zichydorf.

To facilitate the work of genealogists, following is a list of settlers who have left the Schildgebirge:

To the Banat:

to Bakowa: Riesinger

to Bogarosch: Fleckenstein

to Deutsch-Elemer: Fuchs

to Deutsch-Stamora: Auer

to Grabatz: Behaker, Botra, Engler, Fischer, Froh, Fuchs, Gottschall, Günther, Haslinger, Heimbach, Hipfel, Horvath, Jantzer, Kellner, Pinter, Riesinger, Rosenzweig, Schmidt, Taugner, Wagner, Wintergerst, Zimmermann, Ziwey

to Gross-Komlosch: Korpus

to Gross-St. Nikolaus: Stockbauer

to Hatzfeld: Hemmert, Prader, Zenger

to Heufeld: Elberth, Fuchs, Hemmert, Klecker, Lehnert, Pinter, Rieder, Sprung, Walter, Wiener

to Kathreinfeld: Leitermann, Pinter

to Klein-Jetscha: Mayer, Riesinger

to Lazarfeld: Korpus, Stockbauer

to Marienfeld: Korpus, Stockbauer

to Mastort: Klecker, Prader, Walter

to Mercydorf: Krentz

to Morawitz: Auer, Faltner

to Neudorf: Krentz

to Ostern: Neukum

to Sackelhausen: Hemmert, Keller, Prader, Wiener

to Stefansfeld: Ziwey

to Zichydorf: Auer, Breil, Busch, Debert = Deppert, Fellner, Fischer, Fleischhacker, Flucher, Fraß, Freß, Friedrich, Fritz, Froh, Günther, Hahn, Hartl, Heimbach, Hermann, Hipfel, Hochreiter, Holzeisen, Meschele, Michael , Mühlbauer, Nieser, Noll, Preyer, Schleicher, Singer, Spies, Steinbrückner, Weidele, Wiener

In the Batschka:

to Weprowatz: the brothers Johann, Peter, and Josef Jung

We hope that the evaluation of other church books from the Banat and Batschka will detect many more families for which the stay in the mountains was just a stop sign.

Following the genealogical index of the family names is an index of all the village names that occur. It is followed by a separate list of all the wives who come either from other communities or their parents could be identified.

It seems advisable to use this book in the preparation of a local clan book.

Priority should be heritage books of all German towns in this language island for the first 50-60 years following the settlement. This would enable us to track the migration of individual families in the neighborhood and be better researched. Ortssippenbuchs created in this way would undoubtedly be much more valuable.

For the contribution of the settlement history, I thank you sincerely Dr. Anton Tafferner. Warm thanks also go to Dr. Helmut Zwirner. Before I started the research of Beglar, he had already done extensive research in the Schildgebirge and found a larger number of families who had moved on from Boglar to the Banat. To Mr. Peter Tarnai who introduced me to the church records available, I would like to express my thanks here as well.

I hope and wish that the family book Beglar will be read by many interested parties and will be well received by readers. It is expected to be a valuable help to genealogists in the search for the origin of their colonist ancestors.

Maintal / Bischofsheim 1994

Stefan Stader