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Boglar & Saar

This page contains an article by Anton Tafferner about the settlement of Boglar and Saar in the Schildgebirge west of Budapest. It includes the original settlers lists and some analysis of those lists. It contains significant details about names, ages, family groupings, etc.


There are three downloadable files on this page to access this information. First, the file Boglar-Saar.pdf contains the title page of the 1978 book in which this article was published. Second, the file First Settler Families Saar Boglar Translation 2013.pdf holds the explanatory text of the original article, translated by Frank DOrnstauder. This translation does not, however, contain the tables with the information on the individual families. This information is contained in the third file, kolonisten_saar-boglar.pdf. This is a pdf version of the original German article. It contains the original German explanatory text, followed by the tables of family information. Note that I found sever al cases where the letter “m” was converted to “rn” by the pdf conversion and a few cases where the letter “e” was converted to “o” or “c”and “l” was converted to “t”. Also there is a case where “u” was converted to “ll” (vidulls should be viduus). Note that “ß” means “ss”.


Much of the information in the tables is in Latin. Here are a few Latin word and phrase translations that will help you to understand the tables.

ancilla/ancillae = maid/maids

anni eorum = age

avia = grandmother

coelebs = single, unmarried adult

confessi = confessed?

confirmati = confirmed

derelicta = deserted, abandoned

famulus/famuli = farm labourer/labourers

filia/filiae = daughter/daughters

filius/filii = son/sons

filius horum = “of these” (of him? of the above head of household?)

filius uxoratus = married son (of the person/head of household preceding)

frater hospitis = brother who is a guest

gemellae = female twins

gener hospitis = son-in-law who is a guest (of the person/head of household preceding?)

incola = resident

inquilinus/inquilini = landless tenant/tenants

mater hospitis = mother who is a guest

mensium duorum = two months

mensium quattuor = four months

mensium sex = six months

mensium trium = three months

puber = young adult

servus = servant

soro = sister

status animarum = listing of parishioners, church census

status familiaris = family status

uxor = wife

vidua/viduus = widow/widower

vitricus = step father