
Subscribe to the ZVA Newsletter!

Author: Glenn Schwartz

  • 17-1 January 2012

    MEMBERSHIP REMINDER Just a reminder that ZVA annual dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Go to Your Profile…

  • 16-3 September 2011

    ZVA WEB SITE Unfortunately, our web site host has gone out of the business for the third time in our short history. Thanks very much to Mike O”Brien for rescuing…

  • 16-2 March 2011

    EXCITING NEW DISCOVERY! Stasa Cvetkovic has discovered the land records for Zichydorf and the surrounding villages. These include listings of all the landowners and fabulously detailed maps that show where…

  • Emigration from German Settlements in Eastern Europe

    Title: Emigration from German Settlements in Eastern Europe: A Study in Historical Demography

  • 16-1 January 2011

    SEASONS GREETINGS I hope that you all had a great Christmas and New Years holiday. Time to get back to work on your genealogy! MEMBERSHIP REMINDER Just a reminder that…

  • 15-4 Sept 2010

    TIMISOARA BISHOP’S ARCHIVE There had been questions among some researchers about the accessibility of the Timisoara Bishop’s Archive. One of our members, Lee August, was able to access these archives…

  • 15-3 June 2010

    2010 BANAT TOUR We returned from our Banat tour on June 5. If you are interested in our adventures, check out our blog at Time did not permit much…

  • 15-2 May 2010

      WEB SITE MEMBER PRIVILEGES Last call for those who have not renewed their dues for 2010, but want to retain member status on the site. I will be updating…

  • 15-1 April 2010

    HAPPY 15TH ANNIVERSARY ZVA !! It is hard to believe, but this is the fifteenth year of our association. Time sure flies when you are having fun! I don’t expect…

  • 14-4 December 2009

    2010 DUES Time to pay 2010 dues of $10 if you want to maintain access to all the ZVA pages. I still have many pictures that I intend to post,…