
Subscribe to the ZVA Newsletter!

Author: Glenn Schwartz

  • 14-3 September 2009

    WEB SITE MAINTENANCE I noticed on some of the pages of the new web site that some of the unusual characters have somehow mysteriously been replaced by gobbledy-gook and some more has appeared…

  • 14-2 May 2009

    NEW WEB SITE FEATURES The web site now includes several new pages and features. I will continue to add as time allows. I have added pictures for Setschanfeld and Georgshausen.…

  • 14-1 April 2009

    WELCOME TO OUR NEW WEB SITE!!! It has been a long time coming, but we finally have the new web site we have long desired! It is still a work…

  • 13-2 September 2008

    WELCOME NEWCOMERS Many of you will be receiving this newsletter for the first time. I obtained many of your addresses through the distribution of Ray Borschowa’s Georgshausen history book translation.…

  • 13-1 April 2008

    ZVA DUES In my June message I included a discussion of ZVA dues. The response was tremendous! Many people who had forgotten to pay dues sent payment. The message was…

  • 12-3 September 2007

    ZVA DUES In my June message I included a discussion of ZVA dues. The response was tremendous! Many people who had forgotten to pay dues sent payment. The message was…

  • 12-2 June 2007

    ZVA DUES – PLEASE READ AND COMMENT ON THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION Have you paid your ZVA dues for 2007 yet? (See the list near the end of this message.) Why…

  • 12-1 April 2007

    ZVA WEB PAGE Our first web page was hosted by FEEFHS (Federation of East European Family History Societies) until the webmaster left and set up an alternate site in 2001.…

  • 11-2 September 2006

    2006 ZICHYDORF GROUP TOUR   You may remember from the April newsletter that the person who was supposed to organize our tour left us in the lurch and I was…

  • Józseffalva

    Title: Bukovinai Székely Józseffalva