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Subscribe to the ZVA Newsletter!Author: Glenn Schwartz
German Settlement Experience in Canada
I came across this article about the German Catholic community in Toronto . I was struck by the similarity between their situation and what I know about the German Catholics…
25-2 September 2020
COVID-19 I hope all of you and those close to you have managed to avoid the health and economic hardships of these unusual times. I polled our local membership about…
The John Molter Story
John was born in Canada in 1929, but his family returned to Zichydorf in 1933. He grew up there and experienced the Second World War and its aftermath. He escaped…
With the possible exception of Regina, the first permanent settlement of Zichydorfers in Canada seems to have been at today’s Vibank, Saskatchewan. In 1929 Paul Abele published a 25th anniversary…
Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil IX We – Z
Subject: Alphabetical listing of migrants passing through Vienna on their way east. Title: Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil IX We – Z
Zichy family on Wikipedia
Wikipedia has a brief article on the Zichy family here
Some Banat families settled in the Schilgebirge region of Hungary, about 40 km west of Budapest, before their descendants later moved on to Banat. These villages were founded anywhere from…
Experiences of Banat Immigrants in St. Paul, Minnesota
by Marie Bibus During the early 1900s, hundreds of families arrived in St. Paul, Minnesota from the Banat region of Austria-Hungary. They were German-speaking, and came from several small…
Heimatbuch der Gemeinde Kudritz
This book was originally published in German in 1956. We discovered it in the possession of Leah Ott Duda. It had belonged to her great grandparents, John and Katie Bolen.…