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Subscribe to the ZVA Newsletter!Author: Glenn Schwartz
24-2 October 2019
Membership Renewal ZVA keeps the memory of Zichydorf and its people alive on its web site through your generosity. It also provides information on many associated villages. Please help us…
Gross Gaj/Setschanfeld Familienbuch
Gross Gaj was actually a Serbian village that grew to absorb the neighbouring small German village of Malenitzfalva. The Catholic church records include the German and Hungarian population of this…
22-2 April 2017
Membership Renewal Thanks to all of you who responded so strongly to the membership dues reminder in February. ZVA keeps the memory of Zichydorf and its people alive on its…
2008 Banat Gravestones
In 2008, about a dozen Banat genealogists toured Europe, with particular focus on Banat. You can find pictures of gravestones taken on this tour in the Photos section under Gravestones.…
Brief History of Zichydorf Colony
Sources: National Archives of Canada Saskatchewan Archives Board Saskatchewan Land Titles Branch Saskatchewan Department of Highways Saskatchewan Department of Education THE JOURNEY TO CANADA In 1896 several farmers from Zichydorf,…