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Author: Mike O'Brien

  • Queen of the Rosary RC Church

    This page describes the relevant microfilms for Zichydrof research and contains an index of names in the baptism list.

  • Zichydorfers in Canada

    The Saskatchewan Settlement Experience The Fertich family tree The story of the Hochban family

  • The Last Generation: Forgotten and Left to Die

    Title: The Last Generation: Forgotten and Left to Die / Die Letzte Generation: Vergessen Und Dem Tod Uberlassen

  • Georgshausen 1941 Surname Index

    This index was compiled by Glenn Schwartz from the list Die einstigen deutschen Bewohner des Dorfes in the book Verlorene Heimat Georghausen by Josef Wüst (Wuest/Wust). It lists residents of…

  • Zrenjanin Diocese Parishes

    Title: Adalékok a Zrenjanini-Nagybecskereki Egyházmegye történetéhez (History of the Parishes of the Diocese of Zrenjanin-Nagybecskerek)

  • Leidensweg der Deutschen im Kommunistischen Jugoslavien – Band IV

    Title: Leidensweg der Deutschen im Kommunistischen Jugoslavien – Band IV

  • Zichydorf 1944 Surname List

    We thank Shirley Gibbard for compiling this index. The information contained in the EINWOHNERZEICHNIS ZICHYDORFS, in der REIHENFOLGE d. HAUSNUMMER (The Zichydorf Householders List in Order of House Number), was…

  • Alsace/Lorraine

    Title: Settlements in Hungary By Lorrainers & Alsatians. [Published as `Les Colonies Lorraines et Alsaciennes en Hongrie’ par le Dr L. Hecht Professeur à la Faculté de Médecine de Nancy…

  • Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia 1944 – 1948

    Title: Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia 1944 – 1948

  • Observations on Some Banat Cemeteries

    These observations were made on trips to the Banat in 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2014 and compiled by Glenn Schwartz. Not all cemeteries were observed in all years. Conditions may…