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Author: Mike O'Brien

  • Zichydorf History Book

    Elisabeth Grob-Hugel has translated Johann Achtzehner’s history of Zichydorf.

  • Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia 1944-1948 (European English-Language Edition)

    Title: Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia 1944-1948 (European English-Language Edition)

  • Bogarosch

    Title: Familienbuch der katholis chen Pfarrgemeinde Borarosch im Banat 1768-2008

  • Language Help

    These links may be helpful in translating research documents.

  • Zichydorf Today

    Here are some links to recent pictures and descriptions.

  • Guide to the Documentation Series

    Title: Leitfaden zur Dokumentationsreihe: Verbrechen an den Deutschen in Jugoslawien 1944-1948 – Gesamtübersicht mit Thematischen Ergänzungen und Register (Guide to the Documentation Series: Crimes Against Germans in Yugoslavia 1944-1948 –…

  • Boglar

    Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Boglar = Vertesboglar im Schildgebirge in Ungarn 1761 – 1821/31 (Family book for the Catholic parish of Boglar in the Schildgebirge area of Hungary 1761…

  • Nemesis at Potsdam

    Title: Nemesis at Potsdam – The Expulsion of the Germans from the East

  • A People on the Danube

    Title: A People on the Danube: The Fate of the Germans in Yugoslavia Under the Communist Regime of Tito

  • Snapshots of a Nightmare

    Title: Snapshots of a Nightmare: Recollecitons of Aged Danube Swabian Survivors of Post WWII Genocide