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Author: Mike O'Brien

  • Offsenitza

    The following translation by Henry Fischer regarding the village of Offsenitza is taken from

  • Deutsch Stamora Foreword

    This is the foreword to the Deutsch Stamora Familienbuch. In it the author addresses the difficulties of interpretation, transcription, and spelling.

  • The Danube Swabians

    Title: The Danube Swabians

  • Kozma

    In 2010 some visitors took pictures of printed items posted on the wall in the Kozma church. Here is an English translation by Laszlo Rudolf from the original Hungarian. A…

  • Danube Swabian Legacy in Southeastern Central Europe

    Title: Donauschwäbisches Vermächtnis im Südöstlichen Mitteleuropa – Geschictliche und Persönliche Bilanz Eines Erlebnis- und Wissensträgers – Ein Grundriß historischer und politischer Zusammenhänge von den Türkenkriegen bis zum Zerfall des Kommunismus…

  • More St. Mary’s Marriages

    Here are Kathy Lara’s extractions from the Regina St. Mary’s Church records.   Film# 1032949 – St. Mary’s Catholic Church , Regina, Saskatchewan, CanadaMarriages Anwender, Franciscus- Nicolai Anwender & Eva…

  • The Baragan Deportation

    During the 1951-1956 period, thousands of people living near the border between Romania and Yugoslavia (Serbia) were deported to a barren area for security reasons. This is a translation of…

  • My Journey from the Banat to Canada

    Title: My Journey from the Banat to Canada

  • Skorenowatz/Szekelykeve/Gyurgyevo

    This was one of the later Banat villages, founded about 1869 by people from older villages, including Zichydorf , Ürményháza, and Setschan.

  • Seven Susannahs

    Title: Seven Susannahs, Daughters of the Danube