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Author: Mike O'Brien

  • Geschicte der Donauschwaben

    Subject: History of the Donauschwaben Title: Geschicte der Donauschwaben

  • Between Hitler and Tito

    Title: Between Hitler and Tito: The disappearance of the Vojvodina Germans

  • Zichydorf Pioneer Settlers in 1787

    Thanks to Barry Anwender for compiling this list of surnames of the the approximately 125 families comprising 500 to 600 settlers who rebuilt Zichydorf in 1787 at its present location.…

  • Werschetz

    ZVA has translated selections form this very large volume about this small city near Zichydorf.

  • In the Claws of the Red Dragon

    Title: In the Claws of the Red Dragon

  • Torontal 1828 Land Census

    This Digital 1828 Land Census Index for the Zichydorf village was created by Barry J. Anwender of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada from Martha Remer Connor’s hand typed index. All village researchers,…

  • Zichydorfers on the S.S. Adria

    PASSENGERS FROM ZICHYDORF ABOARD THE S.S.ADRIA Hamburg Passenger Lists……….FHLC film 472970The only destination given was Halifax, but most of these passengers were going to Winnipeg and Regina.Left Hamburg April 21,…

  • Städte und Dörfer

    Subject: Roma nian Banat Villages Title: Städte und Dörfer: Beiträge zur Siedlungsgeschicte der Deutschen im Banat

  • Etschka

    On a visit to the Ecka church in 2010, Mary Ann Hueser obtained a brief German language history of the church. She has summarized and translated that history below.

  • The Innocent Must Pay

    Title: The Innocent Must Pay