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ZVA Newsletter

  • 21-3 September 2016

      Membership Renewal ZVA annual membership dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Log in and go to Your…

  • 22-1 February 2017

    Membership Renewal ZVA keeps the memory of Zichydorf and its people alive on its web site through your generosity. It also provides information on many associated villages. Please help us…

  • 21-2 April 2016

    Membership Renewal ZVA annual membership dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Log in and go to Your Profile…

  • 21-1 January 2016

    Membership Renewal ZVA annual membership dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Go to Your Profile in the user…

  • 20-2 September 2015

    Membership Dues Reminder 2015 ZVA annual membership dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Go to Your Profile in…

  • 20-1 April 2015

    Happy Anniversary to Us! Hard to believe, but we are entering our 20th year! Membership Dues Reminder 2015 ZVA membership dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please…

  • 19-3 November 2014

    Membership Dues Reminder Time to start thinking about 2015 ZVA membership dues. ZVA annual dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the…

  • 19-2 September 2014

    Zichy Family Most of you probably know that Zichydorf was named after Count Karl Zichy de Vasonkeö. Thanks to Pat Haley for forwarding to me some Zichy links that a…

  • 19-1 April 2014

    MEMBERSHIP REMINDER Just a reminder that ZVA annual dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Go to Your Profile…

  • 18-4 December 2013

      SEASON’S GREETINGS Best wishes for Christmas and in the New Year! Sorry to bother you at this busy time of year, but I forgot to put a membership dues…