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ZVA Newsletter

  • 4-2 September 1999

    COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE Preliminary work has begun on the park where our plaque will be installed, but most of the work will not take place until next summer. We are planning…

  • 4-1 April 1999

    COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE I have arranged a site for our memorial that is even better than any we had previously considered. The City of Regina is developing a park at 11th…

  • 3-2 September 1998

    GESCHICTE DER GEMEINDE ZICHYDORF As you may recall, we acquired two additional copies of Johann Achtzener’s book about Zichydorf and asked the members what we should do with them. At…

  • 3-1 April 1998

    GREAT NEWS   Peter Noll of Limburgerhof, Germany has compiled an alphabetical list of all the family groupings extracted from the microfilmed Zichydorf church records, including dates and page numbers.…

  • 2-2 September 1997

    EUREKA! I’VE FOUND IT! At least I think I have. As you know the microfilmed records of Zichydorf births, deaths, and marriages available through the Family History Library end in…

  • 2-1 April 1997

    WELCOME TO YEAR 2   This is the first newsletter of our second year of operation. Our first year saw phenomenal growth in members and in accumulated information. We now…

  • 1-3 November 1996

    IT’S OFFICIAL! The ZVA began In February, 1996 as a few Zichydorfers interested in the history of the village and its families. Over the past few months this small group…

  • 1-2 September 1996

    Welcome to the second edition of the ZVA (Zichydorf Vi11age Association) News. The ZVA was formed on the Internet by Barry Anwender, Laura Grzyb, and Glenn Schwartz with the assistance…

  • 1-1 April 1996

    Welcome to the first edition of the ZVA (Zichydorf Village Association) News. The ZVA was formed on the Internet by Barry Anwender, Laura Grzyb, and Glenn Schwartz with the assistance…