Over the years, the Zichydorf Village Association has acquired a collection of image files of church book pages. We are greatly indebted to László Rudolf and Tibor Toth for their assistance in acquiring these images. We sell this data to recover the cost of acquisition and support our web site. Our collection is described in the list below.
Unless noted otherwise, these are Roman Catholic records and usually for German people, although there are also many Hungarians. Villages are listed by their German/Hungarian/Serbian names. Sometimes there is more than one name in one or more of the languages. The most commonly used names are listed, but there may be others. The years listed are the years that the records begin and end, but they do not necessarily begin or end at the beginning or end of the year. Sometimes there are two sets of records with overlapping dates (eg. baptisms 1800-1850, baptisms 1820-1830). It is not clear why there would be two different sets of records for the same time period, but it may become clear on closer examination. These records have not been inspected in detail and ZVA cannot guarantee that they are all contiguous or readable.
You may purchase these records with PayPal by scrolling down to Donations in the Main Menu on the left side of this page and follow the instructions there. Or, you can mail a cheque with your request to Zichydorf Village Association, 2114 E Laurier Cres., Regina, SK, S4V 0P6, Canada.
Our pricing was originally conceived around the mailing of DVDs, including disks, packaging, and postage. This is still an option, but most people today order electronic downloads via Dropbox. In fairness to those who have already purchased them and to avoid complicating the ordering function, prices and the ordering procedure remain the same.
The cost is $15 per DVD equivalent except where noted. A DVD holds 4.7 GB of data. The size of each village’s data on DVD is shown in the list. You may combine two or more villages on one DVD until the total exceeds the 4.7 GB total, at which point you would purchase a second DVD. There are 1,000 MB in one GB.
Alexanderhausen/Sándorháza/Sandra: baptisms 1852-1895; marriages 1852-1891; deaths 1852-1894 (2.2 GB)
Alexanderkirchen/Iwanowo/Sandorhegyháza/Ivanovo: baptisms 1899-2002; marriages 1899-2002; deaths1899-2002 (1.7 GB)
Andrasfalva in Bukovina (Evangelical): baptisms 1859-1861; deaths 1859-1861 (4.3 MB)
Apfeldorf/Almas/Torontalalmas/Jabuka: baptisms 1766-1953; baptism index 1840-1905; marriages 1766-1953; marriages 1912-1957; deaths 1767-1954 (3.8 GB)
Banat-Brestowatz/Rustendorf/Berestócz/Banatski Brestovac: baptisms 1766-1791, 1874-1932, 1918-1941; marriages 1766-1815, 1918-1941; deaths 1794-1795, 1859-1945, 1918-1941; other (Orthodox?) deaths 1852-1895 (2.4 GB)
Blumenthal/Maslak/Masloc: baptisms 1771-1905, index 1771-1941; marriages 1771-1897, index 1771-1941; deaths 1771-1895, index 1771-1895 (10.8 GB) These records were donated to our collection by John F. Schambre of San Francisco CA as a fundraiser. This entire set of three DVDs may be purchased for $15.
Brukenau/Hidasliget/Pischia: baptisms 1852-1911; marriages 1852-1921; deaths 1852-1921 (3.2 GB)
Deutsch Zerne/Nemet Czernya/Srpska Crnja: marriages 1900-1944 (77.4 MB)
Ernsthausen/Ernesthaza/Banatski Despotovac: baptisms 1881-1916, 1926-1945; marriages 1895-1916; deaths 1895-1916; a handful of random pages from the 1830s and 1840s (2.4 GB); As a separate option, ZVA also has baptisms, marriages, and deaths 1828-1867 transcribed into an Excel spreadsheet; price $100.
Etschka/ Ecska/Ecka: baptisms 1816-1833, 1852-1865; baptism index (L to S) 1864-1875; marriages 1828-1882; deaths 1818-1845 (1.2 GB)
Grabatz/Grabacz/Grabati: baptisms 1768-1878; marriages 1768-1891; deaths 1768-1848 (1.4 GB) Donated by Elisabeth Grob-Hugel and Tibor Toth.
Glogon/Glogau/Galagonyas/Glogonj: baptisms: 1765-1895; birth/baptism certificates (Orthodox?) 1813-1839; marriages 1765-1925; deaths 1765-1949 (3.0 GB)
Gross Gaj/Nagy Gaj/Veliki Gaj: baptisms 1832-1866, 1868-1944; baptism index 1918-1944; marriages 1832-1944; deaths 1832-1945; deaths from affiliated churches (includes Istvanfalva) 1832-1858 (6.7 GB ) This set on two DVDs for $25.
Grosskomlosch/Nagykomlós/Comlosul Mare: baptisms 1849-1903; deaths 1869-1910 (2.0 GB)
Großsanktnikolaus/Nagyszentmiklós/Sânnicolau Mare: baptisms 1843-1900; marriages 1843-1902; deaths 1819-1882 (8.6 GB)
Hatzfeld/Zsombolya/Jimbolia: baptisms 1880-1892; marriages 1867-1883; deaths 1837-1867 (2.9 GB)
Heufeld/Nagytöszeg/Novi Kozarci: baptisms 1789-1837, 1937-1944, 1919-1943; marriages 1919-1943; deaths 1901-1944, 1919-1943 (1.0 GB)
Homolitz/Homolic/Omoljica: baptisms 1767-1962; marriages 1767-1961; deaths 1767-1955; birth/baptism certificates (Orthodox?) 1796-1818 (3.3 GB)
Johannisfeld/Jánosfölde/Iohanisfeld: baptisms 1868-1910; deaths 1873-1922 (3.9 GB)
Karlsdorf/Karolyfalva/Banatski Karlovac/Karlovo Selo: baptisms 1805-1815; baptism index 1806-1899; marriages 1805-1832; deaths 1801-1819 (339 MB)
Kathreinfeld/Katalinfalva/Ravni Topolovac: baptisms 1893-1947; marriages 1895-1947, 1908-1938; deaths 1828-1873, 1915-1946 (1.2 GB)
Klek/Klekk/Begafó/Klek: baptisms 1918-1939; marriages 1896-1944, 1918-1939; marriage index 1896-1913; deaths 1896-1944, 1918-1939 (643 MB)
Knees/Temeskenéz/Satchinez: baptisms 1842-1922; marriages 1842-1906; deaths 1842-1910 (7.5 GB)
Kubin/Temeskubin/Kovin: baptisms 1766-1900; baptisms (Orthodox?) 1852-1886, 1874-1899; marriages 1766-1808; deaths 1766-1914; conversions 1769-1832 (2.0 GB)
Kudritz/Temeskutas/Guderica: baptisms 1742-1905; marriages 1742-1931; deaths 1742-1911; confirmation 1805; Status Animarum 1890/1901 (8.5 GB) This set is the personal property of Glenn Schwartz, obtainable at gschwartz@myaccess.ca for $50.
Lazarfeld/Lázáarföld/Lazarevo: baptisms, marriages, & deaths 1918-1943 (365 MB)
Marienfeld/Vojlowitz/Hertelendyfalva/Vojlovica: baptisms 1883-1885, 1887-1944; marriages 1887-1956; marriages (Evangelical) 1869-1923; deaths 1883-1885, 1887-1958; deaths (Evangelical) 1869-1905 (1.1 GB)
Morawitza/Moravicz/Temesmora/Moravita: baptisms 1785-1891; marriages 1786-1893; deaths 1785-1891 (3.63 GB)
Moritzfeld/Móricföld/Mâureni: baptisms 1854-1907; marriages 1852-1913; deaths 1852-1889 (1.5 GB)
Nakodorf/Nakofalva/Nakovo: baptisms 1911-1945, 1919-1943; baptism index 1790-1942; marriages 1893-1926, 1919-1943; marriage index 1790-1942; deaths 1907-1945, 1919-1943; death index 1925-1942; Historia Chronica 1794-1825 (1.3 GB)
Neu-Moldowa/Ujmoldova/Moldova Nouã: baptisms, marriages, & deaths 1826-1944 (1.3 GB)
Neuberg an der Bega/Újvár/Uivar: baptisms 1853-1910; marriages 1878-1908; deaths 1887-1919 (3.6 GB)
Neusin/Nagynezseny/Srpska Neuzina: births 1879-1921; marriages 1855-1911, 1883-1928; deaths 1855-1966; confirmations 1914-1942 (1.2 GB)
Nitzkydorf/Niczkyfalva/Nitchidorf: baptisms 1868-1906; marriages 1836-1922; deaths 1876-1911 (5.7 GB)
Offsenitza/Ofsenitza/Ofszenica/Karatsonyifalva/Ofsenita: baptisms 1807-1881; marriages 1807-1905; deaths 1807-1912 (5.1 GB)
Orzydorf/Orczyfalva/Ortisoara: baptisms and index 1875-1920; marriages and index 1785-1876 (1.6 GB)
Pantschowa/Pancsova/Pancevo: baptisms 1718-1896; marriages 1718-1895; deaths 1718-1899; Orthodox marriages 1819-1895; Orthodox deaths 1789-1831, 1892-1895; Protestant baptisms 1875-1895; Protestant marriages 1873-1896; Protestant deaths 1873-1895 (Protestant = Nazarene, Evangelical, Reformed) (7.2 GB)
Pardan/Párdány/Medja: baptism index 1801-1895; marriages 1801-1835; deaths 1801-1835; death index 1801-1904 (449 MB)
Perjamosch/Perjámos/Periam: baptisms 1855-1877; marriages 1857-1898; deaths 1798-1886 (2.7 GB)
Ploschitz/Blauschütz/Plosicz/Plocica: baptisms 1895-1934; marriages 1911-1944; deaths 1909-1944; deaths (Reformed?) 1895-1896 (427 MB)
Rudolfsgnad/Rezsöhaza/Knicanin: baptisms 1908-1938; marriages 1908-1944; deaths 1918-1930 (730 MB)
Sackelhausen/Szakálháza/Sacalaz: baptisms 1845-1852, 1884-1911; marriages 1852-1906; deaths1893-1923 (8 GB)
Sankt Hubert/Szenthubert/Banatsko Veliko Selo: baptisms 1919-1943; marriages 1908-1942, 1919-1943; deaths 1908-1943, 1919-1943 (888 MB)
Sartscha/Szárcsa/Sutjeska: baptisms 1800-1958, 1918-1957; baptism index 1801-1948; marriages 1803-1853, 1918-1942; marriage index 1803-1944; deaths 1801-1962, 1918-1942; death index 1801-1948; death index 1878-1946; confirmation 1804 (2.9 GB) Many Setschan records have also been found in the Sartscha church books.
Setschan/Szecsany/Secanj: baptisms 1910-1957; baptism index 1870-1944; marriages 1909-1958; marriage index 1870-1944; deaths 1901-1957; death index 1870-1944, 1901-1911, 1904-1916 (955 MB) Many Setschan records have also been found in the Sartscha church books.
Setschanfeld/Szecsanfalva/Secenovo/Duzine: baptisms 1940-1944 (37 MB)
Sigmundsfeld/Zsigmondfalva/Lukicevo/Martinica: baptisms 1932-1953, 1922-1944; marriages 1935-1944; marriages 1922-1944; deaths 1922-1945 (373 MB)
Skorenowatz/Szekelykeve/Gyurgyevo/Skorenovac: baptisms 1892-1956; marriages 1893-1953; deaths 1892-1982 (3.0 GB)
Startschowa/Sztarcsova/Starcevo: baptisms 1767-1900; marriages 1767-1910; deaths 1767-1924; deaths (Orthodox?) 1870-1896 (2.7 GB)
Stefansfeld/Istvánföld/Krajisnik: baptism index 1797-1889; baptisms 1918-1942; marriages 1929-1943; marriage index 1799-1942; death index 1890-1941 (644 MB)
Temeschburg/Temesvar/Timisoara: Fabrikstadt marriages 1869-1894; Freidorf baptisms 1849 -1880 + index, 1881-1901 + 1875 confirmations; marriages 1849-1927; Innenstadt baptisms 1844-1921, deaths and index 1875-1885 (5 GB)
Toba/Toba/Toba: baptisms 1846-1924; baptism index 1846-1938; baptism index 1894-1914; marriages 1846-1957; deaths 1846-1983; death index 1852-1900 (3.2 GB)
Tomsdorf/Hettin/Tamasfalva/Hetteny/Hetin: baptisms 1899-1938; marriages 1899-1927 (1.2 GB)
Torda/Torda/Torda: marriages 1952-1952 (22 MB)
Triebswetter/Nagyösz/Tomnatic: baptisms 1833-1864; marriages 1868-1916; deaths 1851-1878 (3.4 GB)
Tschanad/Nagycsanád/Cenad: Schematismus books. Eight volumes covering various years from 1810 to 1853 plus additional volumes for 1883 and 1916. These books provide detailed information on each of the parishes of the Tschanad Diocese including the names of the parish priests, the names of filial parishes, and the number of parishoners. (2.5 GB)
Tschesterek/Csösztelek/Cestereg: baptisms 1903-1960; marriages 1921-1944; deaths 1939-1945 (473 MB)
Ürmenhausen/Ürmenyháza/Jermenovci: baptisms 1819-1999; marriages 1820-2001; marriage index 1895-1962; deaths 1819-2003; death index 1895-1930 (7.8 GB) This set on two DVDs for $25.
Weisskirchen/Fehértemplom/Bela Crkva: baptisms 1723-1829 (Feb); baptism index 1723-1822; marriages 1724-1819; marriage index 1723-1899; deaths 1724-1831 (195 MB)
Wiesenheid/Réthát/Tisa Noua: (CURRENTY NOT AVAILABLE) BMD1777-1835; baptisms 1829-1906; marriages 1836-1912; deaths1836-1908 (4.95 GB)
Zichydorf/Zichyfalva/Mariolana/Zici Selo/Plandiste: baptisms 1789-1958; marriages 1789-1990; deaths 1789-2003; confirmations 1875-1964; mixed marriages 1808-1928; Historia Domus 1833-1982; Geschicte der Gemeinde Mariolana 1787-1924 (old German script); cemetery pictures (2.2 GB) This set has been compressed into PDF files. It is $30 on one DVD.