
Subscribe to the ZVA Newsletter!

22-1 February 2017

Membership Renewal

ZVA keeps the memory of Zichydorf and its people alive on its web site through your generosity. It also provides information on many associated villages. Please help us keep the site alive by paying our annual membership fee of a paltry $10. Membership is based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Log in and go to “Your Profile” in the user menu and scroll down to “Dues paid to the end of: ____” If you have not yet paid for 2017, please remit your dues using one of the options described on the Membership page. I will downgrade unrenewed members on the web site in April of each year to give you plenty of grace. From September on, I will credit new members for the following year. We are continually adding new content to the Members Only parts of the site. If you are not connected to the Internet, just drop me a line at the address below and I will update you. Thanks for contributing to our common cause.

Grabatz Church Records

Thanks to Liz Grob-Hugel, we have acquired the Grabatz church records for baptisms 1768-1841; marriages 1768-1852 and 1857-1880; deaths 1768-1848 (631 MB). Ordering details for these and many other village church records are on our site at

Gross Betschkerek Familienbuch

The new Gross Betschkerek Familienbuch by Marco Leitl and Rudolf Müller is now in the library. It consists of two huge volumes. Gross Betschkerek was one of the larger towns in Banat. This Familienbuch compiles 19,205 families from its Catholic Church records and adds almost 500 more listings of conversions and unattached individuals. Unusual for a Catholic Familienbuch, it also has a list of Jewish burials and conversions. Also unusual is a list of people who left for Canada and the USA, along with some of their passenger list details. It also includes maps, a history, and several lists and indices. This work is in German, although the lists are easily usable by English speakers.

Moritzfeld Familienbuch

The two-volume Moritzfeld Familienbuch 1786-1990 by Anton Neff is also in the library. This book contains almost 7,000 family groups in more than 1,800 pages compiled from church records. It includes a couple of maps, a history (in German), and indices of wives’ surnames, place names, and an index of occupations.

Zichydorf Village Association Newsletter

edited by: Glenn Schwartz

2114 E. Laurier Cres., Regina, SK, S4V 0P6

