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St. Mary’s Baptisms N-Z
SURNAME FORENAME BAPT. DATE BIRTH DATE FATHER MOTHER Nagel Magdalena 25 Jul 1909 17 Jul 1909 Martin Katharina Fiesel Nagel Maria 22 Mar 1907 20 Dec 1906 Martin Carolina Flegal…
St. Mary’s Church Records – Regina
BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS – ST. MARY’S PARISH – REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA 1893-1910 (In December 2012, the records discussed in this article were posted online by the Family History Library.…
Zichydorf Baptisms L-P
Sources: Family History Library (FHL), Hungary, Banat, Zichydorf – Roman Catholic Church Record Christenings, microfilm 1190365, register from 12 July 1789 to 31 December 1842, available on loan from the…
Zichydorf Records Research
This article describes the location of many records for Zichydorf research and how to access them.
St. Paul Alien Registrations
Brought to our attention byBob Paulson and Vern RippleyExtracted by Richard BartonAdditions by Harold Miller This information extracted from Minnesota Historical Society: Microfilm SAM 169, Roll 304 covering Precincts 2…
24-1 April 2019
Membership Renewal ZVA keeps the memory of Zichydorf and its people alive on its web site through your generosity. It also provides information on many associated villages. Please help us…
Photos – Memorial
Memorial text goes here Here’s another album {gallery}Gravesto nes/2008/Villingen{/gallery}
Settlement of Karlsdorf
This page contains the original German and an English translation by Monika Ferrier of an article from the AKdFF newsletter.