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  • 2014 Group Tour to Banat

    Follow our 2014 Banat group tour at

  • Grabatz Church Books

    Title: Kirchenbücher Grabatz: Trauungen, Ster be, Geburten (Grabatz church books)

  • Romanian Banat Villages

    The Landsmannschaft der Banater Schwaben, an association of German Banaters from Romania, has produced the German language book, Stadte und Dorfer. This book tells brief histories of all the Romanian…

  • Schultz family of Setschan

    This page contains two versions of an English translation by Monika Ferrier of an article from the AKdFF newsletter.

  • Orderly and Humane

    Title: Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War

  • Settlement of Boglar

        Boglar During the Settlement Period On the Esterhazy Dom ains in the Hungarian Highlands (1750-1760)   By Dr. Anton Tafferner   This is a historical summary included in…

  • So war’s im Donauschwabenland

    Subject: Poems with CD of Donauschwaben dialect. Title: So war’s im Donauschwabenland

  • Strangers and Sojourners

    Title: Remember to Tell the Children: Strangers and Sojourners – Book 2 of a trilogy

  • Page Not Found

    The page you requested was not found – 404Please double-check the url. If you believe you reached this page in error please let us know by contacting us. We apologize…

  • St. Mary’s Burials

    SURNAME FORENAME DATE AGE FATHER MOTHER NOTES Amon Jacob 12-May-1909 2m Anna Amon Illeg. Andreas Johann 17-Feb-1909 65 Husband of Margaretha Eckert Baeker Johann Franz 20-Mar-1904 14m Franz Anna Kaltenbrunner…