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  • Danube Swabian Legacy in Southeastern Central Europe

    Title: Donauschwäbisches Vermächtnis im Südöstlichen Mitteleuropa – Geschictliche und Persönliche Bilanz Eines Erlebnis- und Wissensträgers – Ein Grundriß historischer und politischer Zusammenhänge von den Türkenkriegen bis zum Zerfall des Kommunismus…

  • More St. Mary’s Marriages

    Here are Kathy Lara’s extractions from the Regina St. Mary’s Church records.   Film# 1032949 – St. Mary’s Catholic Church , Regina, Saskatchewan, CanadaMarriages Anwender, Franciscus- Nicolai Anwender & Eva…

  • Zichydorfers in Saskatchewan: A-K

    Known and Suspected Zichydorfers In Saskatchewan: Surnames A – K contributed by Glenn Schwartz Glenn’s Notes: Note 1: Sources are Saskatchewan local history books and submissions by Zichydorf researchers. Note…

  • 22-Special April 2017

    ZVA Regina Branch Meeting Reminder   Regina Branch will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 23, at Access Communications, 2250 Park St. (north door by the ball diamonds). Note…

  • Hatzfeld

    Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Hatzfeld im Banat 1766-1920

  • The Baragan Deportation

    During the 1951-1956 period, thousands of people living near the border between Romania and Yugoslavia (Serbia) were deported to a barren area for security reasons. This is a translation of…

  • My Journey from the Banat to Canada

    Title: My Journey from the Banat to Canada

  • Skorenowatz/Szekelykeve/Gyurgyevo

    This was one of the later Banat villages, founded about 1869 by people from older villages, including Zichydorf , Ürményháza, and Setschan.

  • Seven Susannahs

    Title: Seven Susannahs, Daughters of the Danube

  • The Danube-Swabians in the Pannonian Basin

    Title: The Danube-Swabians in the Pannonian Basin, A new German Ethnic Group