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Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil II E – G
Subject: Alphabetical listing of migrants passing through Vienna on their way east. Title: Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil II E – G
Queen of the Rosary RC Church
This page describes the relevant microfilms for Zichydrof research and contains an index of names in the baptism list.
Zichydorfers in Canada
The Saskatchewan Settlement Experience The Fertich family tree The story of the Hochban family
21-1 January 2016
Membership Renewal ZVA annual membership dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Go to Your Profile in the user…
Banat Church Books
Title: Die Banater Kirchenbücher – Eine Bestendsaufnahme der verfilmten Banater Kirchenbücher in der Bibliothek des Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (The Banat Church Books – An inventory of the microfilmed Banat church…
Rudolfsgnad History Book
From this page you will be able to download three PDF files about Rudolfsgnad, a village 50 km west of Zichydorf. Some Zichydorf families came from there, and many people…
Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil III H – Kap
Subject: Alphabetical listing of migrants passing through Vienna on their way east. Title: Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil III H – Kap
The Last Generation: Forgotten and Left to Die
Title: The Last Generation: Forgotten and Left to Die / Die Letzte Generation: Vergessen Und Dem Tod Uberlassen
Georgshausen 1941 Surname Index
This index was compiled by Glenn Schwartz from the list Die einstigen deutschen Bewohner des Dorfes in the book Verlorene Heimat Georghausen by Josef Wüst (Wuest/Wust). It lists residents of…