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20-2 September 2015
Membership Dues Reminder 2015 ZVA annual membership dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Go to Your Profile in…
Zrenjanin Diocese Parishes
Title: Adalékok a Zrenjanini-Nagybecskereki Egyházmegye történetéhez (History of the Parishes of the Diocese of Zrenjanin-Nagybecskerek)
Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil IV Kar – L
Subject: Alphabetical listing of migrants passing through Vienna on their way east. Title: Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil IV Kar – L
Leidensweg der Deutschen im Kommunistischen Jugoslavien – Band IV
Title: Leidensweg der Deutschen im Kommunistischen Jugoslavien – Band IV
Zichydorf 1944 Surname List
We thank Shirley Gibbard for compiling this index. The information contained in the EINWOHNERZEICHNIS ZICHYDORFS, in der REIHENFOLGE d. HAUSNUMMER (The Zichydorf Householders List in Order of House Number), was…
Zichydorf – History of the Village Name
Zichydorf, its predecessors, and its environs have been known by various names over the centuries. ANCIENT-MEDIEVAL AGES Banat has a long history as a key location in east-central Europe because…
20-1 April 2015
Happy Anniversary to Us! Hard to believe, but we are entering our 20th year! Membership Dues Reminder 2015 ZVA membership dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please…
Title: Settlements in Hungary By Lorrainers & Alsatians. [Published as `Les Colonies Lorraines et Alsaciennes en Hongrie’ par le Dr L. Hecht Professeur à la Faculté de Médecine de Nancy…
Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil V M – O
Subject: Alphabetical listing of migrants passing through Vienna on their way east. Title: Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil V M – O
Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia 1944 – 1948
Title: Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia 1944 – 1948