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Observations on Some Banat Cemeteries
These observations were made on trips to the Banat in 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2014 and compiled by Glenn Schwartz. Not all cemeteries were observed in all years. Conditions may…
Zichydorf History Book
Elisabeth Grob-Hugel has translated Johann Achtzehner’s history of Zichydorf.
19-3 November 2014
Membership Dues Reminder Time to start thinking about 2015 ZVA membership dues. ZVA annual dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the…
Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia 1944-1948 (European English-Language Edition)
Title: Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia 1944-1948 (European English-Language Edition)
Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil VI P – Scha
Subject: Alphabetical listing of migrants passing through Vienna on their way east. Title: Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil VI P – Scha
19-2 September 2014
Zichy Family Most of you probably know that Zichydorf was named after Count Karl Zichy de Vasonkeö. Thanks to Pat Haley for forwarding to me some Zichy links that a…
Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil VII Sche – Sz
Subject: Alphabetical listing of migrants passing through Vienna on their way east. Title: Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten Teil VII Sche – Sz