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Guide to the Documentation Series
Title: Leitfaden zur Dokumentationsreihe: Verbrechen an den Deutschen in Jugoslawien 1944-1948 – Gesamtübersicht mit Thematischen Ergänzungen und Register (Guide to the Documentation Series: Crimes Against Germans in Yugoslavia 1944-1948 –…
Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Boglar = Vertesboglar im Schildgebirge in Ungarn 1761 – 1821/31 (Family book for the Catholic parish of Boglar in the Schildgebirge area of Hungary 1761…
Genealogy Links
Some of the listings below are extractions from Zichydorf church records, or so-called “secondary sources.” While ZVA has great confidence in the people who did these extractions, it is always…
19-1 April 2014
MEMBERSHIP REMINDER Just a reminder that ZVA annual dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Go to Your Profile…
Title: Ortsfamilienbuch der reformierten Deutschen Gemeinde Kirchendistrikt an der Donau/Budapest 1863-1895 (Local heritage of the German Reformed Church District Munici pality on the Danube / in Budapest1863-1895)
18-4 December 2013
SEASON’S GREETINGS Best wishes for Christmas and in the New Year! Sorry to bother you at this busy time of year, but I forgot to put a membership dues…
Quellen zur Deutschen Siedlungsgeschicte in Südosteuropa
Title: Quellen zur Deutschen Siedlungsgeschicte in Südosteuropa (Sources of German settlers in southeast Europe)