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  • A People on the Danube

    Title: A People on the Danube: The Fate of the Germans in Yugoslavia Under the Communist Regime of Tito

  • Zichydorf Church Records

    Title: Zichydorf Church Records with indexes. Includes baptisms 1904-1946 plus miscellaneous baptisms 1853-1902, marriages 1895-1990 plus miscellaneous marriages 1840-1883, deaths 1901-1947

  • 18-3 September 2013

      NEW ON THE WEB SITE History of Glogon – In the Main Menu, click on Banat > History > History of Glogon Zichydorf cemetery photos taken by Laszlo Rudolf…

  • Snapshots of a Nightmare

    Title: Snapshots of a Nightmare: Recollecitons of Aged Danube Swabian Survivors of Post WWII Genocide

  • Deutsch Elemir

    Title: Ortssippembuch Deutsch Elemir im Banat

  • Jäger, Stefan

    Subject: Family tree and analytical assays regarding the pre-eminent recorder of daily Donauschwaben life. Title: Schriften über Stefan Jäger (2) (Writings on Stefan Jäger (2))

  • Zichydorf church records

    Title: Zichydorf Roman Catholic church records: Baptisms 1789-1842, Marriages 1789-1828, Deaths 1789-1851

  • 18-2 March 2013

    MEMBERSHIP REMINDER Just a reminder that ZVA annual dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Go to Your Profile…

  • Station of Genocide

    Title: Station eines Völkermordes – Die Deportation von Deutschen aus dem vormaligen Jugoslawien 1944/45-1949 in die Sowjetunion (Station of Genocide – The Deportation of Germans from the former Yugoslavia to…

  • Deutsch-Etschka, Sigmundfeld, Rudolfsgnad

    Title: Familienbuch der Gemeinden Deutsch-Etschka, Sigmundfeld, Rudolfsgnad im Banat