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Emigration from German Settlements in Eastern Europe
Title: Emigration from German Settlements in Eastern Europe: A Study in Historical Demography
16-1 January 2011
SEASONS GREETINGS I hope that you all had a great Christmas and New Years holiday. Time to get back to work on your genealogy! MEMBERSHIP REMINDER Just a reminder that…
15-4 Sept 2010
TIMISOARA BISHOP’S ARCHIVE There had been questions among some researchers about the accessibility of the Timisoara Bishop’s Archive. One of our members, Lee August, was able to access these archives…
Title: Die deutschen Familien im Komitat Fejer-Weissenberg/Ungarn in den kirchlichen Seelenlisten 1768-1772 (The German families in Fejer/Weissenberg County of Hungary in the church listings 1768-1772)
15-3 June 2010
2010 BANAT TOUR We returned from our Banat tour on June 5. If you are interested in our adventures, check out our blog at Time did not permit much…
15-2 May 2010
WEB SITE MEMBER PRIVILEGES Last call for those who have not renewed their dues for 2010, but want to retain member status on the site. I will be updating…