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  • Giseladorf & Panjowa

    Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Giseladorf und Panjowa

  • 15-1 April 2010

    HAPPY 15TH ANNIVERSARY ZVA !! It is hard to believe, but this is the fifteenth year of our association. Time sure flies when you are having fun! I don’t expect…

  • 14-4 December 2009

    2010 DUES Time to pay 2010 dues of $10 if you want to maintain access to all the ZVA pages. I still have many pictures that I intend to post,…

  • Grabatz

    Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Grabatz im Banat 1768-2008; Band 1 A-L; Band 2 M-Z (Family book for the Catholic parish of Grabatz in Banat 1768-2008; Volume 1 A-L; Volume…

  • 14-3 September 2009

    WEB SITE MAINTENANCE I noticed on some of the pages of the new web site that some of the unusual characters have somehow mysteriously been replaced by gobbledy-gook and some more has appeared…

  • Grabatz/Kathreinfeld

    Title: Herkunftsorte bzw. – lander der Ansiedler der Banater Gemeinden Grabatz und Kathreinfeld (Origins of the colonists of the Banat communities of Grabatz and Kathreinfeld sorted alphabetically) AND Vorlaufiges Manuskript…

  • Hatzfeld

    Title: Familienbuch Hatzfeld: Die ersten 100 Jahre im Spiegel der Matrikeln der röm. kath. Pfarrkirche1766 – 1866 (Family Book for Hatzfeld: The first 100 years reflected in the register of the…

  • 14-2 May 2009

    NEW WEB SITE FEATURES The web site now includes several new pages and features. I will continue to add as time allows. I have added pictures for Setschanfeld and Georgshausen.…

  • Heufeld-Massdorf

    Title: Familienbuch der katholis chen Pfarrgemeinde Heufeld-Massdorf im Banat 1895-1944

  • 14-1 April 2009

    WELCOME TO OUR NEW WEB SITE!!! It has been a long time coming, but we finally have the new web site we have long desired! It is still a work…