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11-2 September 2006
2006 ZICHYDORF GROUP TOUR You may remember from the April newsletter that the person who was supposed to organize our tour left us in the lurch and I was…
11-1 April 2006
LÁSZLÓ RUDOLF Those of you on email should have previously received my message that László had a stroke late in 2005. He had some paralysis in his right arm and…
Title: Familienbuch der katholis chen Pfarrgemeinde Kathreinfeld im Banat 1893/1895/1915 – 1947
10-3 September 2005
DONAUSCHWABEN ACADEMIC RESEARCH The following is a message from researcher Rebecca Strung who is interested in Donauschwaben immigration. I am an MA student at York University in Toronto. As part…
10-2 April 2005
ZICHYDORF CHURCH BOOK CD’S Many members have expressed to me their excitement at finally receiving their CDs. In some cases, the CDs had problems. I apologize for this, but I…
Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Környe (Kirne, Kiernen, Kirnau) 1746-1800 (Teil I) und Kecsked (Ketschke, Kernegg) 1744 – 1800 im Schildgebirge in Ungarn (Teil II) (Family book for the Catholic…
10-1 January 2005
GREAT NEWS!!! Just before Christmas, I received 20 CDs from Laszlo Rudolf! These are the long-awaited digital pictures from the Bela Crkva archives. They cover not only the 1850-1900 period…