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9-2 September 2004
APOLOGY I apologize to all of you for the small amount of time I have been able to spend on our Association over the past year. An old business interest…
Lazarfeld, Klek, Jankahid
Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Lazarfeld im Banat und ihrer Filialen Klek und Jankahid 1800-1834/1852
9-1 April 2004
CHURCH RECORDS FROM 1850-1900 Success at last!!?? László Rudolf reports that the Bela Crkva archives is finally ready to copy church books for a fee. He has ordered the Zichydorf…
8-2 September 2003
CHURCH RECORDS FROM 1850-1900 László Rudolf is encouraged by developments in Yugoslavia. The Bela Crkva archives have acquired the ability to copy the church books to CD. They are currently…
8-1 April 2003
ZVA WEB SITE Since our founding in February 1996, our web site has been hosted by the Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS). For most of that time…
Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Lenauheim (= Csatád) im Banat 1767-1835/1835/1849 (Family book for the Catholic parish of Lenauheim in Banat)
7-2 September 2002
CHURCH RECORDS FROM 1850-1945 Ten people participated in our June group research with László Rudolf. As previously reported, László was able to obtain copies of the birth and marriage records…