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7-1 April 2002
CHURCH RECORDS FROM 1850-1945 Twenty-three people requested research in Yugoslavia through László Rudolf at the reduced, group rate. In two cases, László was unable to help, but the other twenty-one…
Lorraine (France, Germany)
Title: L’émigration des lorrains vers le Banat et la Batschka au 18éme siecle 1750/1803 (Emigration of Lorrainers to the Banat and Batschka in the 18th century 1750-1803)
6-2 September 2001
CHURCH RECORDS FROM 1850-1945 Twenty-three people requested research in Yugoslavia through Laszlo Rudolf at one-third of his normal rate. Laszlo made three trips to complete the research, but was delayed…
6-1 April 2001
CHURCH RECORDS FROM 1850-1945 We have identified two possible researchers for these vital records. One is the Family Tree Research Bureau. They are very reputable, but they have not yet…
5-2 September 2000
THE MOST IMPORTANT NEWS EVER!! Ray Borschowa has found a link to Zichydorf records between 1850 and 1900! Ray requested information on some of his ancestors from the Family Tree…
5-1 April 2000
COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE Most of the work on the park should be done this summer. We hope to dedicate our plaque to Zichydorf pioneers in September. Stand by for more info…