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North Dakota
Title: The Banat German Hungarians who came to Southwestern North Dakota: Wiver Sach (Women’s Stuff) Volumes 1-4
2-1 April 1997
WELCOME TO YEAR 2  This is the first newsletter of our second year of operation. Our first year saw phenomenal growth in members and in accumulated information. We now…
Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Ofsenitza im Banat (Fil ialen: Banlock, Dolatz,Gier, Partos, Szoka, Tolwadia) Teil 1807 – 1848/1854/1853
1-3 November 1996
IT’S OFFICIAL! The ZVA began In February, 1996 as a few Zichydorfers interested in the history of the village and its families. Over the past few months this small group…
1-2 September 1996
Welcome to the second edition of the ZVA (Zichydorf Vi11age Association) News. The ZVA was formed on the Internet by Barry Anwender, Laura Grzyb, and Glenn Schwartz with the assistance…
Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinden Perjamosch und Perjamosch-Haulik im Banat
1-1 April 1996
Welcome to the first edition of the ZVA (Zichydorf Village Association) News. The ZVA was formed on the Internet by Barry Anwender, Laura Grzyb, and Glenn Schwartz with the assistance…
Title: Translation of “Rudolfsgnad – Chronicle of a German-Banater Boundary Community 1866-1966”
Title: Monographie de Gemeinde Rudolfsgnad im Torontaler Comitate in der asgelosten Militargrenze 25 jahrigen Grundungsjubilaums 1891. (In Honourof the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of the Com. of Rudolfsgnad in…