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  • Kainer/Keiner

    Title: Kainer/Keiner Family Tree

  • Kesselring/Kesslering

    Title: Kesselrings in America

  • Regina Germantown Walking Tour

    I created the following presentation in its original form for a presentation at a ZVA meeting. I updated it with additional sources for inclusion on this web page. Many years…

  • Klemenz

    Title: Horizon and Beyond (Klemenz Family Genealogy)

  • Lang

    Title: The Family of Nicolas Lang II

  • 26-2 October 2021

    Membership Renewal ZVA keeps the memory of Zichydorf and its people alive on its web site through your generosity. It also provides information on many associated villages. Please help us…

  • Rist

    Title: Rist Family Tree

  • Schneider

    Title: Our German Ancestry, A Proud Heritage

  • Schönherr/Schoenherr/Shenher

    Title: Schoenherr Schonher Schenher Shenher Shenner and Herle

  • Zichydorf

    Title: Banat Ring Binder