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Research and Travel in Banat
It is vitally important to have local expertise and a local interpreter when operating in Serbia and/or Romania. ZVA has had excellent experience with two individuals in Banat: Staša Cvetković…
Apfeldorf/Jabuka Land Records
This PDF file contains the 1870 land records for Apfeldorf/Jabuka. There is also a file to help you interpret the records. See also the page title Cadastre Land Records for…
The Great Swabian Migration
Title: The Great Swabian Migration (translated from the German Der Grosse Schwabenzug)
Boglar & Saar
This page contains an article by Anton Tafferner about the settlement of Boglar and Saar in the Schildgebirge west of Budapest. It includes the original settlers lists and some analysis…
First Settlement in Canada
The following quote from The German Canadians begins with a brief explanation and continues with a translated 1932 letter from Peter Kleckner that describes the immigration to…
St. Mary’s Baptisms A-F
SURNAME FORENAME BAPT. DATE BIRTH DATE FATHER MOTHER Achtzehner Barbara 16 Jun 1909 31 May 1909 Philipp Maria Herold Achtzehner Elisabetha 29 Nov 1903 14 Nov 1903 Mathias Theresia Meyer…
Zichydorf Baptisms A-F
Sources: Family History Library (FHL), Hungary, Banat, Zichydorf – Roman Catholic Church Record Christenings, microfilm 1190365, register from 12 July 1789 to 31 December 1842, available on loan from the…
Zichydorfers to South America
According to Geschicte der Gemeinde Zichydorf by Johann Achtzehner (History of the Village of Zichydorf translated by Elizabeth Hugel), 24 families left Zichydorf for Brazil in 1924. Zichydorf had been…