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Cadastre Land Records
ZVA has acquired copies of many cadastre records for the villages of Zichydorf, Györgyháza, Setschanfeld, Gross Gaj, Ürményháza, and Heideschütz for various years. These are records of property ownership…
Zitchydorf Colony
Shirley Gibbard contributed the following translation from the Special Immigration Editions of Der Nordwestern for 1902 and 1903 that gives information about the Zichydorf Colony. DER NORDWESTERN, Winnipeg, March, 1902…
Drei Dörfer im Banat
Barbara Hebenstreit, daughter of Josef Wüst (author of the Georgshausen history ) has created a web site devoted to Georgshausen, Setschanfeld, and Alt Letz. There are English and German versions.…
St. Mary’s Baptisms G-M
SURNAME FORENAME BAPT. DATE BIRTH DATE FATHER MOTHER Gelsinger Anton Konrad 12 Feb 1905 1 Feb 1905 Meinhard Christina Schaefer Gelsinger Katharina Barbara 12 Feb 1905 1 Feb 1905 Meinhard…
Zichydorf Baptisms G-K
Sources: Family History Library (FHL), Hungary, Banat, Zichydorf – Roman Catholic Church Record Christenings, microfilm 1190365, register from 12 July 1789 to 31 December 1842, available on loan from the…
Welcome to the Zichydorf Village Association
Zichydorf was a village in the Banat about 70 km northeast of Belgrade, Serbia, originally settled in the middle ages as Bioseg and later by German immigrants in 1787. Zichydorf has…
Donauschwaben Familien Kalendar
See also David Dreyer’s Zichydorf Village subscription database extractions from the Deutsch-Ungarischer Familien – Kalender (DUFK) The Familien Kalender was published in bound paperback, in format 9-1/2′”x 7″ x 1/2″(+/-)…
Familienbuch Neuhof im Banat
Subject: Neu hof Title: Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Neuhof im Banat