Subject: Vibank, Saskatchewan
Title: Commemorative Publication of the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of St. Paul’s Parish – Vibank, Saskatchewan June 12, 1929
Author: Paul Abele, translated by Frank Dornstauder
Year: original 1929, translation 2011
Media Type: Book
Lending Status: Borrow
How Acquired: Donated by Frank Dornstauder
Review/Description: Vibank was founded in 1891 by Russian Germans. They were joined in 1897 by sever al families from Zichydorf: Kleckner, Binzenberger, Kaine, Rist, Ortmann, Donauer, Leitner, and Bartole. Later, other families from Zichydorf and nearby villages arrived in the area: Stoeber, Wingert, Eisler, Dornstauder, Niedermayer, Roeslein, and Eisler. This book tells of the settlement and development of the area and has several references to individual Zichydorfers. This book is found in the Saskatchwan local histories section of the library.