Title: Zichydorf: Remembering its History & Culture
Author: Melanie Zopf
Year: 2022
Media Type: Book
Lending Status: Borrow
How Acquired: ZVA purchase for SGS
Review /Description: This is not an exhaustive academic study full of footnotes and endnotes about sources. But it is a good overview of the village history, culture, customs, and traditions. Melanie acknowledges that the sources of much of her information are the ZVA web pages and Elisabeth Grob-Hugel’s translation of the 1975 Johann Achtzehner book among others. In a few cases I thought she might have applied Banat generalities to Zichydorf without specifying her sources, but overall, it is on target. Certainly, the vast majority that she based on the translation of Johann Achtzehner’s book is accurate. She has included numerous pictures and illustrations. If you are looking for a good overview of Zichydorf, this book would fit the bill. You can find it on Amazon at https://www.amazon.ca/Zichydorf-Remembering-its-History-Culture/dp/1999226712/ref=sr_1_1?crid=NWKT2VQC5FG5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LY-uRUzfOSNP2g5BMjh2Mg.32TCLWgrCt6toMozKJO4-aE7nT9chN1faypBf2gdAsg&dib_tag=se&keywords=zichydorf&qid=1710804952&sprefix=zichydorf%2Caps%2C111&sr=8-1
And if you would like the translation of the original 1975 Johann Achtzehner book, contact Liz Hugel at bhugel@accesscomm.ca.
By the way, Melanie has extensive information on the Zopf and Türk families and would welcome any collaboration on these families at melaniezwrites@gmail.com.